Dr. Nancy Yorinks
Veterinarian - Moscow Vet on the Go
“There’s a bazillion [store bought treat varieties], who knows what’s in them.”
“Some dogs with food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, and pancreatic issues can’t digest certain things, and some dogs just have sensitive stomachs… The easiest solution in these cases is using kibble.”
Sophia and Myca
“I have made my own dog treats with salmon scraps, as a way to use the scraps that I’m not going to do anything else with.”
“These days though I usually just buy treats, because it is easy and I have found ones that Myca really likes.”
“I see her as more than just a pet.”
Jack and Chai
“Chai had recurring ear infections and skin issues, so I had 24 allergens tested. It came back positive for multiple food allergies.”
“I use her kibble as treats. Because of her allergies it's hard to find safe treats and the options are pretty expensive.”
“Ever since her allergy diagnosis, my kids miss the excitement of feeding her fun new treats.”